Equal Hope Works to Address Racial Disparities in Women’s Cancer

January, 2020

Coleman Foundation Grantee Equal Hope (Formerly The Breast Cancer Task Force) recently launched a new initiative to eliminate cervical cancer in the Chicago area. Cervical cancer is one of the most preventable and treatable cancers, yet many women of color do not get regular pap smears. Equal Hope aims to eliminate cervical cancer disparities.

Chicago Tribune Story.

“January is cervical cancer awareness month and (Angela) Williams is just one of many women whom the new initiative Equal Hope (formerly known as the Metropolitan Chicago Breast Cancer Task Force) aims to help. Created in 2008, the health equity nonprofit network of health care providers, community leaders and advocates led efforts to reduce breast cancer deaths for the city’s African American female population (down from a 62 percent death gap to a 39 percent gap over the past decade). The group is now setting its sights on eliminating cervical cancer disparities and ultimately eradicating the disease in Chicagoland, according to Anne Marie Murphy, executive director of Equal Hope. ”


Nueva Semana

ENERO: Mes de la Lucha contra el Cáncer del Cuello del Útero


Equal Hope releases new PSA video for cervical cancer awareness month.

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