The Coleman Foundation’s Message to our Neighbors in Chicago

For over forty years, The Coleman Foundation has worked to improve opportunity and quality of life, and to reduce disparities for people living and working in Chicago. We know there is so much more work to be done.

Our story began with Fannie May Candies, the initial source of the assets we use to make grants.  Fannie May’s shops throughout city neighborhoods and the manufacturing plant on West Jackson Boulevard connected us to the local fabric of Chicago and to the hearts of its people.

So much of that fabric has been frayed by the continuing unfairness and inequality that stains our society.  So many lives have been damaged by the injustices leveled again and again.

We stand alongside our neighbors who suffer, and we listen to our grantees who serve them.  We acknowledge their anger and their pain.  We commit to being better allies through our work.

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The Coleman Foundation, Inc.
20 N. Wacker Dr. Suite 3410
Chicago, IL 60606
Phone (312) 902-7120
Fax (312) 902-7124

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