June 2023 Grantmaking: Health & Rehabilitation

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A healthcare provider at La Rabida assisting a pediatric patient. PC: La Rabida

June, 2023

Coleman’s health grantmaking in the second quarter focused on access to care and chronic disease prevention and management. Funded partners included La Rabida Children’s Hospital, Saint Anthony Hospital, and University of Chicago (UChicago) Medicine.

Coleman provided funding for La Rabida Children’s Hospital outpatient care services for patients with asthma, diabetes, and sickle cell disease. La Rabida has been providing care for over 100 years to children with complex medical conditions and chronic illnesses regardless of families’ ability to pay. La Rabida has been a longstanding partner of Coleman’s, as the South Side hospital has a deep understanding of the challenges their under-resourced patients and families face.

Located in the Little Village neighborhood of Chicago, Saint Anthony Hospital provides healthcare for underserved residents primarily in the Southwest and West Sides. Coleman’s Board of Directors approved a grant to support the hospital’s Home Visiting Program. This pilot program is a hyperlocal and culturally tailored approach in addressing chronic disease prevention and management, as well as social determinants of health needs utilizing teams of Community Health Workers and Certified Nursing Assistants.

Another long-term partner of Coleman’s is UChicago Medicine. The Hyde Park-based institution provides vital healthcare to the socioeconomically disadvantaged populations living on the City’s South Side and Southwest suburbs. Coleman renewed funding for The Coleman Palliative Program to help expand the program to engage advocates and leaders of underserved areas to identify their communities’ palliative care needs and develop new training curriculum addressing palliative care across the lifespan and underserved communities.

All three grants inform Coleman’s learning agenda for health by addressing the Foundation’s curiosity about key barriers to healthcare among vulnerable populations. They also highlight culturally tailored and patient-centered programming for chronic disease prevention and management.

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The Coleman Foundation, Inc.
20 N. Wacker Dr. Suite 3410
Chicago, IL 60606
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