
The Coleman Foundation invests in the efforts of community-based organizations and local institutions to preserve and strengthen the physical health and the economic and emotional well-being of people living in the greater Chicago region.


The Foundation will create more compassionate, equitable and inclusive resources and opportunities that improve people’s lives with thoughtful and sustainable solutions.


    We trust and build relationships with grantee partners and community experts to ensure that their knowledge and experiences guide our work.

    We are committed to understanding the experiences and perspectives of the people and communities that we serve.

    We foster a culture of learning, adaptivity, and innovation to be sure we take advantage of opportunities to create positive impacts as they arise.
    We manage the Foundation’s resources in a steady, transparent, and responsible manner.

2024 Grants

Health & Rehabilitation
Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

*Includes Board Discretionary Giving and Other Grants

2023 Grants

Health & Rehabilitation
Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

*Includes Board Directed And Other Grants

Latest News

Walter Abrego The Coleman Foundation

Walter Abrego

(él/he/him/his) Director In addition to serving on the Coleman Foundation Board, Walter is a Program Officer for Builders Initiative, an impact platform that offers versatile philanthropic and investment tools to people and organizations building a more humane and healthy planet. Walter is a systems thinker working to transform the food system to center on the […]

Laura Lane The Coleman Foundation

Laura Lane Taylor

Sunshine Enterprises Director Laura Lane Taylor is the Managing Director of Programs for Sunshine Enterprises, whose mission is to empower high-potential entrepreneurs living in under-resourced neighborhoods to grow their businesses and transform their communities.  At Sunshine, Laura supports a team of over 50 instructors, coaches and staff who implement the Community Business Academy and Business […]

Pat Yuzawa Rubin The Coleman Foundation

Pat Yuzawa-Rubin

Vice Chair For over four decades, Pat Yuzawa-Rubin’s career in the nonprofit and grantmaking sectors has been characterized by a deep commitment to social justice and a call to champion the work of people and organizations who often go unseen, unheard and unsupported. Recently retired from the Circle of Service Foundation, Pat is proud to […]

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The Coleman Foundation, Inc.
20 N. Wacker Dr. Suite 3410
Chicago, IL 60606
Phone (312) 902-7120
Fax (312) 902-7124

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