Thomas D. Trinley

Thomas D. Trinley The Coleman Foundation


Mr. Trinley is a nonprofit leader with over thirty years of finance, investment, governance, communications and strategic planning experience. His work, both as a paid staff member and as a volunteer board member, has been focused primarily on land conservation and arts/culture organizations. He has used his analytical, and interpersonal skills to help organizations run more efficiently, thereby increasing mission outcomes. Tom is also an award-winning documentary filmmaker and screenplay writer.

A hallmark of Tom’s career is the belief that financial management is best applied within the context of a solid understanding of an organization’s mission and its approach to programmatic implementation. His experience, on both the funder and grantee side, has provided insights that have fostered a management style bridging finance to program and vice versa.

Tom is a frequent speaker, session designer and moderator for conference sessions on topics such as impact investing, understanding nonprofit financial statements, and underwriting and managing loans and credit enhancements (program-related investments).

Tom’s secondary skills include strategic communications and documentary film production. A self-taught filmmaker, Tom is the creator, producer, writer, director and host of a Midwest Region Emmy-nominated, nationally-distributed public television series. He has produced a feature documentary, nonprofit outreach videos, and is currently developing an independent feature film.

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The Coleman Foundation, Inc.
20 N. Wacker Dr. Suite 3410
Chicago, IL 60606
Phone (312) 902-7120
Fax (312) 902-7124

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